Geopolis jet 2004 *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*

Geopolis jet 2004 *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock* The branch office of FSUE for the Siberian Federal District is developer of software complex EGRZ-N < Geopolis Jet> in accordance with Federal target program < creation of the computer system for the State Land Cadastre keeping and государственногоучета real estate objects (2002-2007) >, Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2005 № 745.

The system EGRZ-N is intended for order to conduct cadastral registration of land plots, territorial area, real estate object, as well as provision the accumulation of information about other objects to achieve statistic information sampling. This system is aimed at use in land committees, Federal State Institution ""Land Cadastral Chamber"" and other organizations participating in characteristics registration which are included in real estate object.

Task EGRZ-N Geopolis>:

* Collection provision, processing, storage and presentation information on land resources as an object of cadastral registration;
* Fulfilment in computer-based mode of procedure of state cadastral registration and General State Land Register keeping (GSLR );
* Information support of conduction of general state policy in the field of land relations, state registration and state registration of the right to land plots and stably connected therewith real estate, defences of rights to land owner, possessor, user and tenant farmers;
* Information support of civil turnover of lands and functioning of civilized land market and durably its associated real estate;
* Provision of fullest proceed to budgets of all levels of land taxes and payments.

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