FINCAD Analytics Suite 2011 for Developers *Unlimited Computers Crack*
Comprehensive, Cross-Asset Class Derivatives Analytics Library for Developers
FINCAD Analytics Suite for Developers is a Software Development Kit containing FINCAD's derivatives analytics library covering all major asset classes including a full range of standard instruments. Bringing you the most comprehensive industry standard instrument coverage FINCAD Analytics Suite for Developers helps you generate accurate financial valuations and risk reports for your management and customers.
Complete transparency is provided in one of most comprehensively documented solutions in the industry. Documentation includes:
Language-specific Math and Function references
Models and methodologies described, explained and fully referenced
Complete descriptions of every input and output
Language-specific instructions and examples
Error codes
DLL architecture diagram
Code samples and step-by-step sample applications in every supported programming language make it easy to embed FINCAD Analytics into your applications using FINCAD Analytics Suite for Developers. The Visual Studio add-in allows you to access all FINCAD functionality right from your Visual Studio menu. This allows you to reduce your time to market and adapt quickly to the changing needs of the derivatives market.
Multiple Development Environments Supported:
Programming Languages
Microsoft Excel VBA
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