Octopus (c) XRayLAB *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin HASP SRM*

The Octopus 3D Volume Viewer is the newest development of XRayLAB. It allows the Octopus users to visualize their data in three dimensions without the need for an expensive volume rendering solution. The 3D viewer is available as a stand-alone program. Its main features are:

* Volume slicing along the 3 main axis&qout;s
* Volume rendering, surface rendering, maximum image projection, X-ray projection, ...
* Object manipulation: virtual cropping, segmentation,...
* Ambient, diffuse and specular reflaction, shadow effects
* Volume filtering options (gauss, median, non-linear diffusion)
* Data reduction options
* Tiff, png, bmp and jpg image supported
* User-friendly interface
* Very easy movie creator (avi with standard compression codex)

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