IsoCAM (c) Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Eutron SmartKey*

IsoCAM (c) Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co.KG *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Eutron SmartKey* IsoCam 4.0 in the new version IsoCam also runs with Windows 7 64-Bit-Version! Needless to say that the same version still runs on XP and Vista machines.
The situation:
You designed a PCB with your CAD package and now want to make a prototype or a small series by etching or by isolation milling.
The questions:
• How do you check and correct the drill-, rout- and plot-data, their dimension and layer registration?
• Do you want to make your prototype by isolation milling?
The answers:
• IsoCAM reads your Gerber-, HP/GL, and drill files. It offers you editing facilities like shift, mirror, copy, paste, delete and more on single vectors, groups of elements or entire layers.
• IsoCAM can convert data into all of the above mentioned formats. Windows Postscript output allows making film artworks.
• IsoCAM comes with a worthy isolation milling converter with the feature of using two different tools in once and with the possibility of creating copper rubout areas.
• The aperture table and the tool rack can be edited, saved and printed. A converter automatically reads the aperture information from most CAD packages.

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