EDISIS, POR, TRUSS, HYDRONET (c) Newsoft s.a.s. *Dongle Emulator (Dongle Crack) for Aladdin Hardlock*
POR 2000 is a powerful Windows application for structural analysis of masonry-built structures subject to seismic and non-seismic actions.
It allows the controls foreseen by the regulations in force for the evaluation of static safety and for the definition of strengthening work. It represents the natural evolution and the increased potency of the Por 98 code. By means of simple operations, it allows the specialised input to structural typologies, an accurate definition of the geometry and mechanical characteristics of the structure and of the strengthening elements.
POR 2000 does not require additional modules. It is distributed in CD-Rom, together with help files, auto-installation program and manual in PDF format.
Hydronet ? un applicativo Windows 95/98/NT o 2000 per l&qout;analisi di reti idrauliche in pressione. Il programma esegue il calcolo della distribuzione dei carichi nei vari nodi della rete e delle portate nei vari rami, una volta assegnati le caratteristiche dei rami, le portate da erogare, le quote geometriche dei punti nodali ed i valori del carico ai serbatoi. La rete ? definita da un numero indefinito di nodi e rami liberamente connessi tra loro e in presenza di pompe o di valvole regolatrici. Il software ? dotato di tutte le funzioni necessarie per seguire l&qout;intero iter di analisi e verifica, dall&qout;inserimento dei dati, al controllo grafico del modello, dall&qout;esecuzione dell&qout;analisi, alla stampa dei risultati e dei disegni.
Hydronet ? interfacciabile con ambienti Cad tramite il formato Dxf e verso applicativi di Word Processing col formato Rtf.
Edisis 2000 is a Windows application for structural analysis with the purpose of designing and controlling multi-storey buildings in seismic and non-seismic areas, characterised by reliability of modelling, easy of use and speed of execution. The code is specific to structures in reinforced concrete and, starting from a minimal description of the geometries and loads, supplies a complete structural design, including executive drawings and the calculation relation. The code does not require additional modules.
EDISIS is distributed in CD-Rom, together with help files, the auto-installation program as well as the copy electronic of the manual.
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